Combat Summer Slide
While the typical family is enjoying a casual summer schedule, research shows that the typical student brain is also taking a summer break and forgetting up to 40% of the information learned during the school year. Worse yet, it can take up to 6 weeks to get back into the swing of learning once a student returns to school. In the average school year, that can add up to almost 50% learning loss overall, an overwhelming statistic in a make-it-or-break-it educational environment. I have created a list of activities to do with the kids to help combat this “summer slide.”
Enroll in a summer reading program.
- Learning websites for kids.
- Activity ideas for Summer Learning.
- Improve their handwriting with my Handwriting Challenge.
- Ask their teacher for recommended web-sites, apps, a list of books etc…
- Get the kids to tell stories with some help from Story Stones!
- When you go to the zoo or a museum do a project with them the next day to find out what they learned.
- Enroll in a Young Rembrandts Summer Workshop!
- Keep them learning this summer with ideas from three moms I interviewed last fall.
- Follow us on Pinterest as we are always adding fun kid crafts and activities.
- Create a daily schedule, have the kids do something educational before they get to plug in.
- Limit screen time.
- Encourage them to go outside and explore then sit with them to find out what they discovered.
- Keep them drawing with our How to Draw videos.