Family Fun: Winter Activities For Kids
Get Moving: Ice skating is a fun way to be together as a family. Gross motor movements engage the whole body promoting a healthy lifestyle and a healthy brain. Use this site to find rinks in your neighborhood, (Canada too!)
Give Back: Spend a day with your family going through toy chests and closets to find items you are no longer using like jackets, blankets, toys etc. Donate these to your local Salvation Army, homeless shelter, crisis center or other charitable organization. Giving back is good for your heart, and it’s good for your closets!
Explore Different Holidays: Traditions are fabulous things, but this year pick an additional holiday to study. Learn the history, some iconic symbols and try a new food! Encouraging kids to be open minded, adventurous and kind to others starts at home…learn more about Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa.
Learn to Draw: The old activity for kids, but we’ve made it easier and better! Here are 3 “How-To-Draw” worksheets appropriate for kids ages 3-12. Learn to draw a bear, a snowflake and a penguin. It’s easy to do and will keep the little ones busy so you can kick back and actually relax this holiday.
Bette FetterFounder and CEO of Young Rembrandts and Author of Being Visual |