Insights from Children’s Art Expert Bette Fetter: Top Blog Posts for September 2013
We kicked off September with introducing the FREE eBook to our subscribers. Consider subscribing to my blog for additional exclusives…
- Ten Tips To A Successful School Year gives you the best tips to make homework and learning easier for everyone especially the visual learner.
- Like so many families this time of year, we sent a little one to his first day of kindergarten…First Day of Kindergarten.
- September brings a lot of new excitement; the start of school, the beginning of fall and now, Arts in Education Week.
- In celebration of Arts in Education Week we quoted Albert Einstein.
- Thirty years ago education took a dramatic turn that resulted in cuts in art programs and increased testing of a narrowed curriculum… ARTSblog Repost – A Nation at Risk – 30 Years Later.
- Arts in Education the Resolution image.
- Creativity is often interpreted as artistic ability, but in reality, creativity is a thought process… Left and Right Brain Thinking.
- Homework may have begun but your kids need to keep their creative juices flowing. Before settling into homework, let them spend some time drawing.
- Young Rembrandts has made a fall activities and crafts board for kids on Pinterest. I have a great idea board too. Take a look at some of my favorite pins!
- Did you know the final week of September is National Keep Kids Creative Week?
- Visual kids can literally draw a blank when faced with a writing assignment. So with all they have going for them, why the writer’s block?…Why Can’t They Write
- If you’re a parent interested in providing more art activities at home, The Artful Parent is for you.
- Never underestimate the power of a well-organized set of Legos. DOWNLOAD a Lego activity to do at home.
- Looking for local activities that cater to kids and families this fall? 27 Fall Activities for Kids.
Bette FetterFounder and CEO of Young Rembrandts and Author of Being Visual |