Better Handwriting Day 6: Size and Spacing
Writing simple sentences
Another common issue early writers struggle with is the spacing between words. Kids are either writing HUGE LETTERS that are spaced out beyond belief or they can often be found writing tiny, tiny, tiny letters squished so close together you can’t read them.
This exercise breaks those habits.
Constantly thinking about spacing and sizing can stop the flow of thought, making it difficult to retain information and express oneself. This is why it’s so important to practice and master. Children may be struggling in school due to the simple fact that they can’t keep up. Not because of a learning disability, not because they’re being bad… but because they are struggling with the basics and they are distracted trying to write.
Today’s Download: 2 pages of sentence writing
Each page has three simple sentences.
The first sentence on each page has dots to help kids know where to start the letters and how far apart to space them. Sentences without the dots lend good practice for them to practice spacing with fingers or visually. 1 or 2 fingers between words is usually recommended.
Want to keep your kids practicing past the 7 Days? Download my free writing paper and create your own sentences! Practice makes perfect.
Have fun.
Keep it light.
More tomorrow…..