How to Draw: Spring 2015
In honor of Drawing Day, I have brought you our newest How to Draw videos. Drawing is about seeing, thinking and sharing oneself. Drawing is a way to explore our thoughts, build our brain and understand the world more effectively.
“Drawing is not primarily a creative means of expression,” says Eileen Adams, from the Campaign for Drawing. “It is an intellectual activity – a way of understanding the world. Just as pre-verbal infants babble, so young children make marks and squiggles in an effort to order and refine their thoughts. Ideas that are either unformed or only partly formed at the beginning gradually take shape and develop through the process of drawing.”
When children draw they:
Ignite imagination
Improve fine motor skills
Develop handwriting
Use problem solving strategies
Bring ideas to life
Strengthen attention to detail
Build memory retention
Not sure how to get started drawing in your home? Read Drawing is Thinking, for some ideas on how and why to encourage drawing in your family.