Make Your Visual Kid a Math Whiz
Visual kids can be great at math. They just have to be taught in ways that work for them. The key to helping them succeed at math is to concentrate on the concept rather than the facts.
Visual kids can be great at math. They just have to be taught in ways that work for them. The key to helping them succeed at math is to concentrate on the concept rather than the facts.
Here are 10 GREAT Math Apps I found for your elementary kids to visually practice their math skills!
This morning I was looking on line to see what kind of things are being done in elementary schools, to teach math visually and came across this video; Teaching Math Without Words: A Visual Approach to Learning Math Through Software.
In the video Dr. Matthew Peterson shares some great insights on why the current language heavy approach to teaching math is not working, especially for children that learn visually and conceptually. In answer to these challenges, their group, The Mind Research Institute has developed math-learning software to use in the classroom and is yielding impressive results. This video includes examples of their software – which I must admit – move way too fast for me to fully grasp. But when seeing the children working and discussing, in front of their computers, the programs seem to move at a pace that invites engagement and understanding.