Supplement Your Visual Thinker’s Learning
The fun of vacation and summer adventures are winding down and kids are back in school. This is good news in many ways – but this can also be a source of great frustration for our visual, kinesthetic students. Sitting still and listening can be hard, especially for kids that need to see, touch and do in order to learn effectively.
Here are some ways to help make a smooth transition from summer to school:
- Keep the creative play happening.
After a long day of sitting in the classroom, kids need to move around, make things, and do things. Whether it’s running and playing outside, or heading inside to get creative; be sure there are plenty of ways to balance structured classroom and homework time with open-ended play.
- Enroll your kids in art, music and dance classes.
Unfortunately our schools are less and less able to offer adequate art programs. But the right sides of our kids’ minds still need to be developed! Art, music and dance classes are the kind of fun activities kids need and they also develop skills that enhance classroom learning. That’s a win, win.
- Make your child’s learning visual.
Most kids are visual learners and can grow weary after a long day in the language heavy classroom. Reading, writing and taking tests are not the best way for them to learn. Download my free eBook – 10 Ways to be Successful in School – and get the ten ways to make learning fun again.