Our Very Own Story Paper
We’ve created the perfect story paper for your emerging writer’s early creative writing assignments.
How to Draw… a Puppy
Drawing is a great way to improve handwriting and fine motor skills. Not to mention, it strengthens essential self control skills and sequential thinking. If you like this video, you consider signing your child up for a Young Rembrandts class near you.
Educators: Introduction to Learning Styles
Understanding a child’s learning style is so important in giving him an effective education as well as fostering future successes. There are three learning styles; visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
Home School Parents: Who’s in Your Class?
Is your child an auditory, visual or kinesthetic learner? Understanding how your child learns will enable you to choose appropriate instruction and activities for your child. More than one child can mean more than one learning style but there are things you can do to be sure you’re reaching all the learners in your family.
Tune In and Be Amazed
Video: Why Young Rembrandts?
Why Young Rembrandts? The Young Rembrandts curriculum introduces concrete ideas and techniques that enlarge and enrich children’s visual vocabularies, their imaginations and their minds.
Simple Ways to Ignite Creativity: Podcast
Visual-Spatial Thinkers Need Art!
Participation in the arts has been proven to increase academic performance. Art helps children develop essential learning skills and out of the box thinking. Art helps children think for themselves, consider multiple viewpoints and explore a wider range of possibilities. And while all of those are reason enough to support art programs for kids, there are some unique and very significant reasons visual learners need art.
How to Draw…a Turkey
This adorable turkey is not ready for Thanksgiving, are you? Take a couple minutes to draw this cartoon with the kids to get you in the spirit.