How to Rock Distance Learning in 11 Steps
We will all remember Spring 2020, as the time the world stood still, and classrooms moved into living rooms across the globe. For some, school at home was a welcome distraction to the chaos outside. For others, it was too much added stress. But we buckled down, pushed through and knew we could survive anything for two months.
And we did.
Unfortunately, it’s not over. This fall, the vast majority of students will be at home for school. Schools and teachers have had more prep time, kind of. And parents have some experience under our belt, kind of. So how do we take this to the next level and move from surviving to thriving in the at home classroom?
My daughter and her 11-year-old are both right brain creatives, spending the first weeks of spring 2020 quarantine happy, playing and making stuff. Then school started. I saw them at the end of week one, from a safe distance of course, and knew it wasn’t good. Distance learning had sucked the life out of both mother and son. But there was hope. Over the next two weeks, my daughter dug in and redesigned distance learning to work for the way her son learned, and by the end of week three, life was good again.
This eBook is a full of tools and tricks, gleaned from students, parents and educators with special emphasis on best practices for right-brainers. These kids can struggle in traditional classrooms because learning is designed to favor the left brain. But distance learning can level the playing field, when its designed to work for your family!
Get the eBook to find out How to Rock Distance Learning.