A Heartfelt Thank You to All Mothers!
To all the strong, passionate, powerful, and ferocious mothers out there, we would like to take a moment to thank you for what you don’t sacrifice.
To all the strong, passionate, powerful, and ferocious mothers out there, we would like to take a moment to thank you for what you don’t sacrifice.
Children need to feel heard, validated, accepted, and understood by those closest to them. They need a safe space to express those big emotions and they need to learn how to manage them in a healthy and adaptive way.
Children who have frequent meltdowns after school may be experiencing “After-School Restraint Collapse”. We want to help our children prevent these meltdowns before they occur. Start by creating an afterschool routine.
Teachers teach the subjects and curriculum dictated by their district, but the way it’s implemented can vary teacher to teacher. Conference time can be a great time to work together to find ways for your child to thrive.
Research shows that the more our students feel safe in the classroom, the more they will learn. There are so many other ways to build a strong, safe classroom community. So, what should we do instead?
Ok, so art might not cure your child’s anxiety, but doing art has been proven a successful antidote. Here are some of the ways doing art helps kids reduce anxiety.
Parents of small children are no strangers to the mountains of paperwork that come through the door when our children start school. While we love to see so much artwork being made and the artistic process being enjoyed, how can we possibly keep it all organized?
Most people think of drawing as a creative outlet. It’s an extra activity for the “creative types”. But that is not true. Drawing has very little to do with creativity. It is about seeing, thinking and sharing oneself. Drawing is a way to explore our thoughts, build our brain and understand the world more effectively.
Most of the kids are back to school by now and you may have noticed a bit of chaos has ensued. Have no fear, I have some simple hacks to get things running more smoothly and save your sanity this school year.
Homework is going to be a part of your child’s school experience for many years. Whether you have a right brain thinker just starting school or an older right brain student, I have found lots of great ways to make homework time easier through the years.