Tools & Tips
Do It Right or Get Fired!
There’s no crying in baseball and no crying doing homework. No crying, no temper tantrums, name calling, finger tapping, deep sighs or stink eye. I’m talking about you, Mom, Dad, Grandma or whoever is helping with homework.
10 Tips for a Smoother School Year
Reading, writing and taking tests are not the best way for visual thinkers to learn. Download my free eBook and get the ten ways to make learning fun again.
19 Ways to Make Homework a Breeze
Homework is going to be a part of your child’s school experience for many years. Whether you have a visual learner just starting school or an older visual learner, I have found lots of great ways to make homework time easier through the years.
Podcast: Simple Ways to Ignite Creativity

Abe Lincoln and the Best Grandma Ever
Its one thing to know your child is a visual learner and understand their challenges in the classroom, but once we know it- we have to figure out what we can do to make it better for them.
What Teachers Want You to Know
Phonics Facts to Remember
There are times readers are going to encounter plenty of words not on a sight word list and kids will need the tools and skills to decode those words. This is why everyone needs some phonics mastery.
It’s Not Too Late
The school year is off and running and you have probably gotten into a routine with homework, reading, chores, etc. But if you’ve noticed your child getting a little tired of school already, it’s not too late to download my free eBook and get the ten ways to make learning fun again.
One Size Education Does NOT Fit All
There are several different learning styles, and each has a direct impact on how your child learns, processes information, and their level of success in the classroom.