Inspire Your Heart with Art Today!
Today is National Inspire Your Heart with Art day! A day to experience and appreciate art in your life. Here are 11 great ways to fit art into your life today and everyday!
Today is National Inspire Your Heart with Art day! A day to experience and appreciate art in your life. Here are 11 great ways to fit art into your life today and everyday!
Dyslexic thinking officially made it into the dictionary as a noun and LinkedIn added it as a job skill for its users to add to their profiles in March 2022. This is an amazing advancement in how we value these divergent thinking abilities.
Right brain creative kids and adults are enormously valuable thinkers, with boundless gifts and abilities, but are highly misunderstood, undervalued and often made to feel like we are less than.To increase understanding on who we are as thinkers and students, I’m doing a 6-month series on what it means to be a right brain thinker.
Craft kits are perfect for keeping hands busy, especially ones that include some science, technology, engineering, ART and math, STEAM! This list is full of STEAM ideas for kids of all ages.
Arts and craft kits make great gifts. They’re colorful, engaging, multisensory and come with directions! To help with your shopping I’ve curated a few shopping lists, based by age. This list is for your older elementary and middle school aged kids.
When I shop for kids’ gifts, I look for things that will keep their hands busy. To help with your shopping I’ve curated a few shopping lists, based by age. This list is for your preschool and early elementary aged kids.
A gratitude mindset involves regularly making the shift from disappointment and expectation to appreciation and thankfulness. And, research shows the earlier a gratitude mindset is instilled, the happier and more resilient we are. So, let’s find ways for our kids to notice and share their gratitude.
Temple Grandin introduced us to the world of visual thinking as it relates to Autism Spectrum Disorders and other forms of neurodivergence in her first book, Thinking in Pictures. It was also made into a movie that does a great job illustrating what it’s like to be a visual thinker. So, I was so excited to hear that she has just released a new book, Visual Thinking.
Children need to feel heard, validated, accepted, and understood by those closest to them. They need a safe space to express those big emotions and they need to learn how to manage them in a healthy and adaptive way.
October 13th is National Train Your Brain Day, a day that recognizes the power of the mind, and how training it to be positive can change human lives. I have found a few simple ways for you to encourage your child (and yourself) to train your brain.