Gearing Up for Back to School
It is that time of year again. The kids are going back to school. Are you ready? Are they ready?
As my kids were growing up, we had several Back to School rituals that we did religiously, everyone (parents included) was involved and we really cherished this time of year. These really worked for us in signalling the end of summer and getting everyone excited for another year of learning and discovering at school.
- New first day of school outfit. First impressions are everything! Let your child pick out something special to wear the first day of school to make a good first impression and emphasize the importance of the day.
- Review current shoes and clothes. It was fun to see how much the kids have grown and what they
can pass on. Buy what is needed to start the school season. To spread out the spending – plan purchases for the rest of fall, like who is going to need a fall jacket or new jeans, etc. - Shop for school supplies. Each child will have a supply list for their grade. Let them walk up and
down the aisles, thoughtfully planning their purchases. Do they need a new backpack or
book bag. What style, color or character?? It is a big decision and once made, signals a readiness to get started. - Practice getting to school. Are they going to walk or take the bus? To get ready and build the back to school excitement, practice walking to the bus stop or to school.
- Explore lunch items. If your child brings their own sack lunch, tastes can change from
year to year, so spend some time planning the lunch menus. After you talk things through, make a trip to the grocery store, specifically for lunch food. Stock up on brown bags or colored bags to spice things up a bit!
The new school year holds so much promise and excitement. With a little patience and planning your school year can be off to a successful start and continue that way throughout the year. Have fun and take lots of pictures to make lasting memories and put a positive spin on the end of summer vacation.