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I have created sight word study bundles for each grade from kindergarten through third and put them up in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
I have created sight word study bundles for each grade from kindergarten through third and put them up in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
School has begun. If you have child in grades K-2 you will likely be getting lists of sight words that your child needs to study. Learning sight words is an essential part of learning to read.
With four young, curious kids, our house was always a hub of creative activity. I knew we’d better have some order to it all or we’d drown in our own swirl of creativity. There were schedules, structure and lots of order behind our “chaos.”
For visual kids, drills and memorization can be difficult. So, I have a simple way to practice those sight words that will appeal to your visual kid’s right brain by using color to trigger their memory. Let me show you exactly how to implement this strategy.
While the kids are on break, don’t let them lose any of that hard won knowledge. Try making these vocabulary cards and studying them in the car on the way to Grandma’s house.
When visual kids are learning new words they are actually taking a picture of the word in their mind. Watch this quick video of me talking about some great ways to practice new words with your child.
This month has been all about celebrating your visual learner. Whether you need to advocate for adaptation in the classroom or just understand what it is that makes them special, being a visual learner is an amazing gift.
We want to help you help your child operate successfully in the classroom and have designed these activities (free downloads) with your visual learner in mind.
Mastering sight words is especially significant for visual learners because they don’t do as well with phonics. And while they’ll need to still use phonics to sound out words, they learn best by seeing and remembering whole words and sight words are perfect for this kind of learning.