I wanted to do add another dog to our series of how to draw videos. I like the way this tutorial on “how to draw a bulldog” came out because it reminds me of cartoon animals that I used to watch when I was a kid. The lesson itself is simple and fun for all to enjoy doing. Have fun with today’s video tutorial and stay tuned for next weeks lesson.
We have been posting a Young Rembrandts’ How to Draw video, every week for a couple of months now. Based on the response we are getting, it seems parents are enjoying learning to draw as much as their kids. And it seems our videos are also good for kids of all ages. Check out the story I got from a teacher in California:
“I am a 7th grade teacher in southern California. We start each day with a zero period silent reading class that I also use as a math intervention session for my students who struggle with math. It is a great way to start the school day: students read or work in small math groups, while others can visit helpful math websites on their netbooks. The last two weeks of the school year are challenging because all library books and netbooks must be returned. Every year I look for worthwhile and engaging activities for my students to do in this early morning period. This year I discovered a wonderful resource – YouTube drawing lessons by Young Rembrandts.
Under normal circumstances, summer brain drain can amount to a significant learning loss, as much as 2 1/2 months per student, with the biggest losses in math and reading. Sign up for this FREE eBook full of great ideas to keep the learning happening all summer and get tools and tips throughout the year.