Do It Right or Get Fired!
There’s no crying in baseball and no crying doing homework. No crying, no temper tantrums, name calling, finger tapping, deep sighs or stink eye. I’m talking about you, Mom, Dad, Grandma or whoever is helping with homework.
10 Tips for a Smoother School Year
Reading, writing and taking tests are not the best way for visual thinkers to learn. Download my free eBook and get the ten ways to make learning fun again.
19 Ways to Make Homework a Breeze
Homework is going to be a part of your child’s school experience for many years. Whether you have a visual learner just starting school or an older visual learner, I have found lots of great ways to make homework time easier through the years.
New Year, New Ideas
Our goal here at is to help you and your visual learner be successful in their left brain classroom. We are so happy you are here and look forward to continuing to help you help your children.
Drawing = Writing
This holiday break is a great time to take the Handwriting Challenge. 7 Days to Better Handwriting is a simple and engaging way to help your child get comfortable with handwriting so he can concentrate on the rest of the learning happening in the classroom.
Last Chance to Get a Free Gift!
Help your kids channel their excess energy into time spent drawing and learning with this limited release worksheet. November 28th through December 31st, ANYONE who enrolls in an upcoming 2017 Young Rembrandts class will receive a FREE Holiday Worksheet!
How to Draw…a Dreidel
As we approach the end of Hanukkah, take a few minutes to learn to draw a dreidel. The kids will love learning how to draw this three-dimensional shape and finding out more about what it means.
Visual Study Methods
While the kids are on break, don’t let them lose any of that hard won knowledge. Try making these vocabulary cards and studying them in the car on the way to Grandma’s house.
How to Draw…an Elf
Sit down with the kids and learn to draw this adorable little elf. Drawing is a great way to keep those handwriting muscles limber over holiday break.