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Being Visual with Bette Fetter

Featured in the March 2013 issue of Canadian Franchising Magazine, Bette provides her expert advice in the article “Building Your Business Culture”. Click on the image to read.
Did you hear? Bette was on the radio! Click on the image to listen in and share with the parents or educators in your life.
Bette was mentioned in the October 2012 issue of Parenting Magazine! Click on the image below to read “The Right Stuff: Cranking up the creativity at home = success later.”
Featured on WGN TV Midday News, Bette shares tools and tips to help your visual child at home and inspire more ideas for adding visual and hands on learning experiences.
Bette Fetter speaks to the importance of understanding children’s learning styles and how that led her to writing her new book.

Is your child a visual learner? If so, how do you help them to better in school when so many schools are test-oriented these days. Bette Fetter, author of Being Visual: Raising a Generation of Innovative Thinkers, provided some tips for parents on Fox 8 News in the Morning.

Media & Speaking Engagements

Bette Fetter is available both for media opportunities and speaking engagements. To inquire about availability, email bette@bettefetter.com.